Absence & Lateness Policies
Absence & Lateness Policies for Students
Attending school every day is essential for academic success! Our goal is for every student to have 90% attendance or better.
- Students should schedule doctor and dentist appointments for times outside the school day
- In case of sickness or a family emergency, students should notify the school by telephone
- Upon returning to school, the student must have a note excusing the absence
- When a student is absent, it is his or her responsibility to speak to the teachers and arrange to make up missed assignments
- Students arriving to school after 8:15 am will be marked late but the CAASS System
- Parents of students late for school after 8:30am will be notified via the school messenger automated calling service
Student Lateness
- First period class starts at 8:15AM. Students entering class for the first 5 minutes will be allowed to enter without a late pass
- If a student arrives after 8:20, do not admit him/her without a late pass